
Displacement is becoming the new human condition. Walking to a new unknown fate is the seeming story that will never stop repeating – an age-old story, but one that we can’t seem to learn from.

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Bits & Pieces, 24 Dec 2021

Trying out this new format. Just a way of getting a few thoughts down, mainly for my own record, but also on the off chance someone wants to engage on one of these topics. – Attended a virtual memorial forContinue reading

Forest Bathing

A friend posted recently to Facebook, thanking a 300+ year old tree in Philadelphia for lending her some of its energy in a difficult time. It’s a tree with many stories tied to it. I know that feeling well, atContinue reading


Can you hear it? Turtles’ muddy hibernation-slowed claws scraping the sun-drenched rocks? Buds cracking and bursting with color? Sugars rushing beneath the bark of trees? Tiny bugs and little birds shifting and moving in the dried grasses and leaves, fillingContinue reading

Open or Closed?

When I leave colleagues’ offices at my job, for those that have offices, I ask, “open or closed?” They have a choice – a single word that may require a little extra expenditure of energy from me as I go. The privilege is in being able to shut the door. The rest of us in cubes can’t shut anything out.

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We Do Not Agree

I just finished reading Elisha Lim‘s wonderful book 100 Crushes and it got me thinking about what it means to hold change and ambiguity: to hold space for it; to hold it inside you; to hold a presence for it in public; to embody it.

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Safer Coalitions

I attended an event last night put together by the Helix Queer Performance Network on the idea of “safe space” and I have a feeling that many things that came up there will continue to pop up in my mind and in conversations in the months ahead, as they’ve already been on my mind and in the ether for awhile now.

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My First Meme

Because I haven’t stopped thinking about Lorraine Hansberry since seeing the exhibit at the Brooklyn Museum, I’ve made my first meme. It would be wordy!